Would you put your kids in a kids’ club? For some parents – and kids! – it’s a highlight of the holiday, for others it defeats the point of family travel. The Kidventures family travel podcast hosts look at the pros and cons of holidays with kids clubs, and how to choose one.
Cathy and Ting discuss the things to know before you travel, what to look out for in a kids club, especially if you’re travelling with younger kids, and what questions you need to ask. We share our stories of when kids clubs have gone really really right (and how you persuade your child to leave and actually spend time with you again!) and the times we really don’t want to repeat.
From fantastic educational activities and coral planting to X-Boxes and late-night movies, there’s a huge variety out there – not to mention a few less enticing options with a bit of colouring in a windowless room. Paid, unpaid, drop-in or quickly booked up, here’s our advice to navigate what can be a family travel minefield.
And do check out the other podcast episodes for more family travel inspiration, tips, destination advice and recommendations from some of the UK’s top family travel experts, including hosts Cathy and Ting from family travel blogs MummyTravels.com and My-Travelmonkey.com.
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You can check out all the previous episodes here as well as finding out more about the hosts in this introduction